AALS Pathway to Law Program


The State Bar of Texas African American Lawyers Section (“AALS”) has launched a pipeline initiative for local high school students in efforts to develop and implement a program for students to gain knowledge of the requirements for the practice for law, establish goals to aid in the transition from high school through law school, and increase minority representation in the legal field. Based on statistical data over the past four years, minorities have been marginalized in law schools, struggle with passing the Bar exam, and are significantly underrepresented in the legal community. The implementation of a diversity pipeline program can positively impact these statistics!


Led by minority attorneys, the Pathway to Law program provides guidance to underrepresented high school and college students interested in pursuing careers in the legal field. With a focus to enhance opportunities and advancement in the legal profession for diverse populations, participants are provided access throughout the school year to successful minority attorneys practicing in the Dallas/Fort Worth area.


Pathway to Law program focuses on providing the following opportunities for young minority students seeking a career in the field of law:

  • Group mentorship from lawyers, to include topics such as GPA, internships, LSAT scores and recommendation letters (two sessions per semester)
  • Events with local law schools and local law associations
  • Contacts with law school recruiting and advising offices
  • Networking and learning opportunities
  • Scholarship opportunities


As part of this program, AALS collaborated with local African American legal associations, namely, J.L. Turner Legal Association and L. Clifford Davis Legal Association, to successfully launch the following events for the 2022-23 school year that impacted over 120 minority students and expects to do the same for this current school year.


The Program also provides scholarships to eligible participants, ranging from high school through law school, who participate in this program, whether as a participant or volunteer. We awarded $9,000 to five students, ranging from high school through law school last April and are hopeful to award more this year!


If you wish to sponsor or participate in the Pathway to Law Program, please contact Kimberly Godsey at kim.godsey@outlook.com. Thank you.


Tentative SchedulE

Law Day 

November 2024

An introduction to the practice of law with informational sessions by some our best local minority attorneys. This event is held for Career and Technical Education students focused on legal studies in the DFW Metroplex.


February 2025

This three-day event includes a Pre-law introductory session, speed networking with attorneys, a mock class covering negligence, a law school tour, and an evening parent informational session. All sessions are presented to the Career and Technical Education students focused on legal studies in the DFW Metroplex, with student volunteers from UTA’s Pre-law program and Texas A&M University School of Law.


A recap of our last Law Week is available to view here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jKtUVbMo_F4


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